I'm one day away from my 2 month trip to Ghana, and it's hard to believe it's finally here. I remember just getting to NYU last fall and meeting with professors who I admired and shared research interests with. The one thing they all told me was that I must apply to be Frankie Edozien's Grad assistant for his summer course in Ghana. So I did.
It was probably October when I began preparing my resume and seriously blowing Frankie up. I wanted in. I have never been to the continent of Africa before, though I've long engaged in African dance and African studies. It was too early for him to even consider a candidate, but he promised to keep me in mind.
I'm not sure if we even met that first semester. But during our first time meeting, we connected immediately. I felt reinvigorated, that this trip could truly be possible. It was and it's happening tomorrow.
I'm prepared, even though I keep trying to stuff things into my suitcase... (s)— For those who know me, they know packing light isn't a reality in my life. I'm nervous, I've never traveled for this long, I've never traveled alone (I'm staying on 3 weeks after the program ends to continue my thesis research). I really have no idea of how anything will be. But Accra will be home for the next 2 months and for that I am so grateful.
I know my research will be enhanced, my writing will change. I'll probably change, but mostly, I'm excited to live. So here's a place to document my writing, thoughts, photographs, experiences. This is #ViewsfromAccra.
This is so exciting! Congratulations. I'll definitely be following your blog.